
Bending Guitar Strings Technique | Free Guitar Lessons On Video

Bending Upwards
This technique is basically the opposite of the technique. This time the thumb is used as a pivot point and the wrist is rotated in the clockwise direction while pressing down on the fret to achieve an upwards bend.
If you find the bend difficult it is possible to use multiple fingers to bend the string. This technique is normally only used for upward bends as it is not so effective when bending downwards.

Bending Guitar Strings Jimi Hendrix Style

Bending Downwards
This is achieved by using the point your forefinger touches the side of the neck as a pivot . Using this point rotate your wrist in an anti-clockwise direction pulling the string downwards. This should be done while using your thumb to counteract the force generated by bending the note.
There are Different Types of Guitar String Bending Technique

Bending Guitar Strings Technique | Free Guitar Lessons On Video

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